The Soeberg Institute

Presents Thermalist™

- by cold and heat scientist Susanna Søberg, Ph.D 

A Unique Holistic Lifestyle & Health Brand
Created by
Susanna Søberg, PhD

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The thermalist cure™

Breathe, freeze & sweat
yourself into a healthier and happier life

Read. Watch. Learn. Improve. 

What is The Soeberg Institute?

In The Soeberg Institute you will find health information, online courses, announcements for talks, live events and workshops.

You can attend online no matter where you are in the world and study at your own pace and in your own time.

The Soeberg Institute offers science backed online stress management courses for a healthier and happier life. The courses are equally suitable for individuals and business. For coaches, there will be an in debth education to teach in cold and heat therapy in a safe and healthy way!

Although the courses are based on science, the teaching is in everyday language! Knowledge is the key to change. Because you can learn - you can change.

Take a deep breath into new knowledge and your new life...
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The Thermalist Cure
 The three approaches

Stress up to stress down

1. Functional breathing

  • Calm the nervous system 
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Reduce breathlessness
  • Get deep and quality sleep
  • Improve bloodcirculation 
  • Improve health in the long term

2. Cold exposure

  • Create better resilience
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve mood and happiness
  • Prevent lifestyle diseases
  • Increase metabolism
  • Increase longevity of your cells
  • Increase brown fat
  • Get warmer and more comfortable in the cold
  • Reduce acute and chronic pain

3. Heat exposure

  • Increase mood and happiness
  • Reduce inflammation in the body
  • Reduce acute and chronic pain
  • Improve heart and cardiovascular health
  • Increase metabolism
  • Prevent lifestyle diseases
  • Increase your fitness-level
  • Increase your recovery after workout
  • Improve lung function and lower the risk of infections

3 week Thermalist Cure™ health Journey

The major strengths of the 3 week thermalist™ course include the depth of knowledge and the clear, articulate way it is presented. To properly understand the benefits of cold exposure and thermalism, a person should have some background knowledge. This course does an excellent job digesting and communicating the information in a way that even a total newcomer can understand.
Dr. Søberg's course is phenomenal and a must-have for anybody interested in improving their overall wellness. The science backed research supporting Thermalism provides a convincing, proof-based explanation on the benefits of proper breathing techniques and regular exposure to both cold and heat. Dr. Søberg does an incredible job explaining why something is good and how to best do it, combining the theoretical and practical information to form actionable insights.
The layout of the course is fantastic. The bite-sized videos and carefully crafted learning modules makes the course easily digestible. The library allows you to refresh material previously covered and anybody can expand their knowledge in just minutes each day. The course presents the valuable knowledge in a way that is easily understood. Overall, I strongly recommend this course and rate it a full 5/5.
Kyle Savidge

What is the The Thermalist Cure™?

These are health programs developed by Dr. Susanna Søberg.
It's a way to reconnect body and mind and keep it in their optimal natural state. Healthy stress of the cold, and the heat navigated by the breath builds your cells stronger, increase your metabolism, and strenghen the nervous system. The fight-or-flight response was built for our survival in a merciless natural environment during our evolutionary history. This kept our metabolism up and our minds in balance. Today our health is missing out on these healthy natural stressors. At the same time, more sedentary work and technology have enchanted our minds.
The evidently increase in stress, and depression calls for new actions (World Health Organisation).

Optimize your health with

#The Soeberg Principle | #The Thermalist Cure | #11/57 minutes per week

Online courses, workshops, talks and events - no matter where you are in the world
“With the principles and approaches behind The Thermalist Cure™ I have witnessed lifechanging transformations. Sometimes the biggest changes are in the people who feel and believe in the change the least. My experience is however, that these people might need it the most. They will grow. If one doesn't change one´s attitude, nothing improves. Surprise yourself. You can improve health, mental state, performance and confidence. I believe that the cold and heat offer this potential..."
Susanna Søberg, Ph.D

The Thermalist Cure ™
A lifechanging decision 

The program is the science backed antistress cure we all need in a modern world.

Learn to use all the related tools and walk into your life with new energy, a razer sharp focus, more confidence and being ready to perform your best.

The program contains three powerful approaches: 

Functional breathing, cold & heat exposure - all of which you incorporate at your own pace and level. Dr. Susanna Soeberg will show you how to begin and how to challenge yourself.
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One of Susannas principles:

"Change the temperature in the cold and heat to push hormetic stress in the cells. This will build them stronger"

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Dr. Susanna Søberg 

Science Is the basis of The Soeberg Institute

Dr. Susanna Søberg, Ph.d in metabolism. In my PhD, we discovered the minimum threshold (or the sweet spot) of cold and heat exposure for health benefits.

I'm the founder of "The Soeberg Institute", "The Thermalist Cure™" and "The Soeberg Principle" (the later named by Stanford University Professor Dr. Andrew Huberman).
My research gives you a scientifically proven protocol for how little cold and heat exposure you need to gain health benefits. The 11 minutes cold and 57 minutes heat per week has become a safe rule of thumb.

I'm here to educate you in how to use cold, heat and your breath as a safe way to improve your health, manage stress, and optimize performance. My aim is to teach you these behavioral tools.

I started my science career in 2013 and since then, I have communicated science in talks, events, workshops, podcasts, on TV and conferences all over the world. In this way I have educated and encouraged thousands of people worldwide to improve their physical and mental health using cold, heat and breathwork to lower inflammation and optimize performance.

In 2019 I published my debut book "Winter swimming" - a motivational book, where I described the many science proven benefits about cold water immersion and sauna - told in an easy every-day language. "Winter swimming" is now published in 13 languages. 

Based on years in human research, reading and writing science about metabolism and stress, I now practice communicating science in an easy and practical way.
In The Soeberg Institute I offer you my teaching based on science, my knowledge and experience.

Who is The Thermalist Cure for?

This is the first anti-stress cure using functional breathing, cold & heat exposure in a science backed program.
The principles behind the program are designed to benefit all people at their own pace and level
  • Do you want to learn how to use heat and cold exposure in a healthy and safe way?
  • Do you want to get warmer and more comfortable in the cold?
  • Do you want to improve your physical health and increase longevity?
  • Do you want to learn how to shut down overwhelming thoughts?
  • Do you feel stressed or burned out?
  • Are you having trouble sleeping and finding peace and rest?
  • Are you looking for ways to improve your mental balance in general?
  • Do you want to increase your focus and improve your performance at work?
  • Do you want to learn the minimum threshold to improve your health?

    The Thermalist CureTM contains scientific-backed tools to do all that and much more.
Optimize your health, confidence and performance in a natural way.

Why start The Thermalist Cure?

This is the first anti-stress cure for longevity using functional breathing, cold & heat exposure in a science backed program.
It's a non-pharmacologic way to improve health and prevent lifestyle diseases. The cure that works on your biochemistry, physiology, mental health and confidence. 

Why, you may ask? To feel less stressed. To control your nervous system. To get better sleep and be more relaxed. Learn how to increase your mood. Increase your energy level to perform and make yourself the controller of your life. Get expert advice to live the life of your dreams.
It's all about knowing. When you know, you're capable of doing and changing.
The program is powered by three natural pillars: Functional breathing, cold & heat exposure.

With The Thermalist Cure you benefit from your body´s own supply and get stronger in every cell by activation of stress-proteins.

The program is not fixed, but you are taught how this is individualized and matched to your needs and abilities. Discover how the benefits will be exactly where you need them the most.

All you're teached is natural, sustainable and can be practiced in your own time an at your own pace.
You don't have to wait for results, as you will benefit already from day one!

The Thermalist Cure 
is carefully designed by Dr. Susanna Søberg - based on science, with the purpose to empower you for a healthy, happier and longer life.

Get started with this lifechanging program from your own home with Dr. Susanna's online courses.

Take care of yourself

Avoid cold water immersion if you suffer from:
• Untreated coronary artery disease and/or chest pain (angina pectoris).
• Untreated high blood pressure.
• Serious heart rhythm disturbances.

• Careful if you suffer from panic attacks. The cold chock can be very overwhelming for the nervous system. I advise you to go with an educated Thermalist™ Instructor (education available soon...).

Cold water immersion is a physically challenging activity and, as with all physical activities, it carries a risk of personal injury. As such, it may not be suitable for everyone. If you are unsure whether cold water immersion and contrast therapy is appropriate for you, you are advised to consult a doctor before participating.
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